General |
Day LiliesDay Lilies want full sun (half day at least), good drainage, average water, and a well balanced fertilizer (something like 10-10-10). All in all, they are very easy to grow. We feel that even for the evergreen varieties, it is alright to cut day lilies back to the ground every November. This allows them to grow all fresh growth for the next year's bloom cycle. Plant them so that the existing soil level is at or slightly above the surrounding soil in your garden. Do not plant day lilies in situations where the soil will be water logged for extended periods, as they will rot. |
Bearded IrisBearded iris want full sun, good drainage, light water (they are extremely drought tolerant once established), a fertilizer low in nitrogen (we recommend 2-10-10), a separate application of bone meal in the late summer, and not to be fussed over. It is also important not to bury the clump too deeply when planting. The best rule of thumb is to plant them high enough to see the top of the rhizome when placing. They are very easy to grow, but if you want them to re-bloom well for you, then start watering once a week starting in August (if it doesn't rain) to break the summer dormancy phase, and add bone meal to the iris beds. They don't require any additional watering after the flowering has begun in either spring or fall. If you water from spring through the summer without giving them a watering break, it will encourage fungal rot problems. Every 5 years or so the iris should be dug up and replanted using the strongest fans to start over. Of course, start them out with 2-10-10 and bone meal at this point, too. |
HelleboresHellebores want full sun (in cooler summer areas) or light shade (anywhere), deep humus, average water (but don't like to dry out), a well-balanced fertilizer in light to moderate amounts, and lots of time. Some Hellebores have been known to last 100 years! Most horticulturists recommend cutting back the foliage to just above the ground in the fall (Oct.-Nov.) to stimulate new growth. They grow back quickly and will bloom on the new growth in the winter-spring. And yes, it is true. Grazing animals (like deer, rabbits, squirrels, mice, etc.) don't like Hellebores. |