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Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy'

Deciduous fruiting fig tree producing a copious amount of 1 1/2" dark red figs July through late September. The flavor of the fruit is sweet and juicy. This variety is known for surviving heavier freezes than most cultivars and in general, being more vigorous. Even in years where it may freeze to the ground, it will grow up to 8' that season from all new shoots and still produce a heavy crop. Where it doesn't freeze hard, prune the tree every year to around 4-5' tall so that at picking time you can actually reach the fruit by hand. Otherwise, you may end up with a 20' fig tree that only produces food for the local wildlife. Plant in full sun. Give good drainage and average water. Do not let dry out when the fruit is ripening. USDA zones 5-9 in cold hardiness.

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